Boric acid alcohol is a solution of acid boric prepared with alcohol. It is used to relieve pains as a result of infection and as an antibacterial in external and middle ear infections.
Product description
Boric acid alcohol is a composition of boric acid dissolved in alcohol. Acid boric is an antiseptic acting as an antibacterial in external and middle ear infections. It is also an analgesic reducing pain. 
It is indicated for:
  • Treating pain of the ear.
  • Treating infections of the external and middle ear.
Instructions for use
Always read the leaflet or consult with your doctor or pharmacit before use.
Lay on one side and squezze the bottle and instill 2-5 drops on the affected ear and put on a cotton bud. You can repeat the application after 1-2 hours until the pain discontinue.
DO NOT use the product if:
  • You have hypersensitivity for boric acid or any of the components of the medicine.
  • You have perforation of ear drum.
Before you use this product it is important to warm the bottle at the room temperature so it can't cause the feeling of dizziness.
You should tell your doctor if you are taking other drugs.
Other information
Keep it out of reach of children.
Store it below 25ºC.
Keep it away from heat and humidity. 
Active ingredients: Boric Acid
Excipients: Purified water, Ethyl Alcohol.