Postpartum Depression

Giving birth to a baby is the most precious gift in a woman’s life. Being a mother is such an amazing experience that gives happiness and joy in life. But also it is a period of changes that brings new responsibilities in family.

Giving birth to a baby is the most precious gift in a woman’s life. Being a mother is such an amazing experience that gives happiness and joy in life. But also it is a period of changes that brings new responsibilities in family. The new mother is already experiencing changes not only physically in herself, but also in her daily life. After pregnancy many woman experience great emotional fluctuations which means having less time for themselves and devoting most of the day to their newborn baby. This fluctuations can cause stress and anxiety to many new mothers. This emotional, physical and behavioral instability that mothers experience after pregnancy is associated with postpartum depression. Mood swings, irritations, crying can start from the first days or two weeks after birth. Postpartum depression can last more than 10 days but can last for several months after child birth. Some woman go through this extremely difficulty phase faster while for others this process takes more time. They loss the lack of energy in participating in social activities as well as interest in intimate relationships.

Which are the causes of postpartum depression?

-Physical reasons. These are related to hormonal disorder and this comes from the baby birth process.

-Psychological reasons. Doctors say that women find it difficult to adapt to the new role of mother and new responsibilities in the family, bringing a change in their routine, after the birth of their child. This causes spiritual stress and emotional overload.

-Socio-economic reasons. Which are related to economic factors that the mother faces after giving birth, lack of support from her husband or parents. For every mother, contact with family members is extremely important.

Post-partum signs and symptoms may include:

-Depressing mood or severe mood swings (feeling tired, sad, upset, worry or panicking)

-Excessive crying, intense irritability and anger.

-Great difficulties in the way of behaving and caring for the newborn baby.

-Difficulty bonding with your baby.

-Reduced interest and pleasure in activities you used to enjoy with your friends

-Disconnected from family and friends

-Loss of appetite or eating much more than usual

-Sleep disturbances, inability to sleep (insomnia) or sleeping to much

-Paranoia, fear that you’re not a good mother for your baby

-Diminished ability to think clearly, concentrate or make decisions

-Severe anxiety and panic attacks

-Feelings of being worthless, inadequacy, having shame or guilt in rapport with others

-Lack of energy to participate in social activities well as loss of interest in intimate relationship

-Thoughts of harming herself or the child

-Recurrent thoughts of death or suicide


Treatment of Postpartum Depression

Postpartum Depression is treated differently on the type and severity of a woman symptoms. The treatment options include anti-anxiety or antidepressant medications, Zulresso (Brexanolone), psychotherapy and participation in a support of group for emotional support and education. If you are breastfeeding don’t assume that you can’t take meditation for depression, anxiety or even psychosis, you need to talk to your doctor and have an appointment. In case of postpartum psychosis, drugs that used to treat psychosis are usually needed.

Tips to follow for mothers who have shown signs of postpartum depression:

  • Establish a secure bond with your baby. (Mothers need a secure emotional connection with the baby and vice versa)

  • Trying to rest and sleep while the baby is sleeping

  • Rely on others and ask for help ( It is important to make positive contacts with others to relieve stress)

  • Engage yourself in sports activities or nature walks

  • Pay attention to yourself

  • Do not neglect the relationship with the partner and pay attention to him

  • Follow a balanced diet and eat healthy food

  • Get essential fatty acids (fish, salmon, sardines etc)

  • Food rich in minerals, vitamins

  • Use of vitamins B and D

  • Try not to consume caffeine or white sugar

  • Try to stay away from consuming alcohol

  • Use yogurt in foods preferably 3 times a week

  • Use dried fruits like: almonds every day and raisins several times a week

  • Use a cup of green tea twice a day, while half an hour before bed time use linden tea

  • You can use dark chocolate

  • Use relaxing meditation techniques to gain a sense of spirituality.

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