Dry Skin VS Dehydrated Skin

A frequently encountered dermatological problem is the case of dry skin. Is your skin really dry, or is it dehydrated?

A frequently encountered dermatological problem is the case of dry skin. Is your skin really dry, or is it dehydrated? At first glance, when we speak about dry and dehydrated skin, it sounds like we are referring to the same problem, while they are completely different and have different causes. 

Dehydrated skin is not a skin type. It is a skin condition, where there is a lack of water in the upper layer of the skin. People with oily skin, can have dehydrated skin too. Dehydrated skin looks opaque, extremely tight, rough, and is sensitive. This skin condition accelerates the signs of aging such as wrinkles and sagging of the skin. Dry skin, on the other hand, is a skin type in which the sebaceous glands that are positioned in the deepest layers of the skin do not secrete enough sebum and oil to nourish the skin. Dry skin feels dry, stiff, and sometimes it flakes. 

A successful way you can help yourself to know if your skin is dry or dehydrated is the pinch test. The way this test work is by pinching the skin for a few seconds. If afterwards the skin returns to its previous position, then the skin is not dehydrated. If it takes longer to bounce back to its previous shape, it is most likely dehydrated. 

If you want your skin to look and feel amazing, you need to use products that will moisturize and hydrate your skin. This is a very important step to maintain healthy, hydrated, and well-nourished skin. The healthcare professionals working alongside Ditë e Natë suggest that after you wash your face, you apply your moisturizer on damp skin so that the ingredients of your hydrating product help your skin to absorb inside its upper layer the water remaining on your skin after the cleansing step. We suggest that you apply your moisturizer on top of your hydrating product, a couple of minutes later so you give it some time to absorb. Your skin care routine should be tailored to your skin type as well as your skin condition. Ditë e Natë offers you premium brands to treat dry as well as dehydrated skin. 

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